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Status quo Biden would lose to Trump specifically on tariffs.

Call: (646) 716-5812 – “Facebook LIVE” – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: May 15th, 2019

It is hard to believe that so many are unable to think through more than one level of indirection. Trump is showing the potential to clobber Democrats using tariffs to counter the status quo, the mythical center.

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Donald Trump gave a short but effective interview earlier this week after the stock market had a sharp drop when it realized that there would be no deal on Chinese tariffs. I was astounded by the response from pundits on MSNBC. It wasn’t that they were not speaking the truth. It was that they could not understand that it does not matter what they think but what the people who are going to vote think.

The thing is, except for Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren, the Democrats have not given the voter a transformational vision of the our economy that will help all those who are economically depressed. Trump is building one. And whether he gets the beneficial terms from China or not, because Democrats have made no cogent counter-narrative in the aggregate, Trump may win over enough.



Common Dreams: To Counter Trump’s Hawks, CodePink’s Medea Benjamin Says It’s Time to “Build Up an Anti-War Movement Again”: Peace activist Medea Benjamin said Wednesday that the current political moment “is a time where we have to build up an anti-war movement again.” Benjamin, a co-founder of the women-led advocacy organization CODEPINK, said her call is a response to the Trump administration manufacturing a crisis to push the U.S. into war with Iran. The current situation, she told Democracy Now! Wednesday has echoes of the lead-up to the war in Iraq because “lies” and “misinterpretations” are put out by the White House and echoed by corporate media. In the interview, Benjamin expressed concerns about “many measures just in the last year or two to move towards a war with Iran.” They include the U.S. “pulling out of the nuclear deal, designating the Iran Revolutionary Guards as a terrorist organization, trying to get the Iranian oil exports down to zero, [and] creating chaos in the Iranian economy.” Also driving her fear is John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s national security advisor, whom she said: “has been calling for an attack on Iran since before he ever got into the administration.” An engaged citizenry is necessary to push lawmakers to act as a counter-force to the push for war, Benjamin said.

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