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The media attacks on Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez is clearly directed for a reason

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: January  28th, 2019

It is clear that the plutocracy is scared of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. Their wards, some in the mainstream media are starting to come into their rescue.

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I want to be clear. Even as many would like to make the policies advocated by Alexandria Octavio-Cortez as out of left field, the reality is that most Americans support what she stands for right now. Unfortunately for the Plutocracy, a charismatic leader like Ocasio-Cortez is their most recent nightmare because her base is now the largest potential voting block in the country.


TeleSur: There isn’t a nation in the Western Hemisphere that hasn’t at one time or another found itself caught in the far-reaching tentacles of U.S. imperialism. Venezuela is certainly no exception. Washington has been meddling in its internal affairs since the 19th century and it continues to do so to this very day, when the specter of yet another U.S.-backed coup, or even a direct American military intervention, looms larger by the day.

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