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County Judge Lina Hidalgo visits – Why every Progressive must vote

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: October  12th, 2018

Harris County Texas County Judge candidate discusses her race. How does this reflect America as a whole? Here 25 reasons why every Progressive must vote.

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Today we have a special guest. After our guest, the blog of the week will discuss 25 reasons or more why we must all vote.

Lina Hidalgo is the Democratic nominee for Harris County Judge, an executive position that controls the budget for our Harris County – the third largest County in America.

Lina was born in Colombia, when the drug war raged and kidnappings were rampant. As they left their home country, Lina’s parents had two goals: to get the family to a safer place, and to make sure that Lina and her brother had a good education. Emigrating to Harris County as a child, Lina is a proud product of Texas public schools, and studied political science at Stanford University.

Lina has always been committed to giving back. She has dedicated her working life to our most vulnerable communities—from her time at the Texas Civil Rights Project to serving as a Spanish-English medical interpreter at the Texas Medical Center and supporting immigrants in search of lost loved ones. From her early childhood in South America and Mexico, to her years in Texas public schools, and her time working with nonprofits at home and abroad, Lina has seen up close what happens when societies tolerate corruption and disparities. She’ll fight to combat both


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