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Trump is not making America great again. He is terrorizing his base and everyone else

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: June 25th, 2018

Trump & Company cannot survive the decimation they are inflicting on all Americans, and that includes their base without a democracy killing enslavement.

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Trump and Company continue to lie to Americans about the effect of their tax cut scam. After laying the groundwork, they are now blaming the expected health insurance premium rise on Democrats and the Affordable Care Act. These guys are all in the fascist form of misinforming and control. Many of their followers are still in bot mode. One can only hope that when they leave that mode we still have a country,

From the Newsfeed Trump cannot change who you are, but he sure can highlight what lies within. In that respect, I want to give Donald Trump a big thank you for the Trump Effect. He has encouraged many white people to not hide behind the silence of only their thoughts. But hear this.

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