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The Plutocracy through the Supreme Court has all but destroyed labor unions

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: June 27th, 2018

The Constitution’s Electoral College caused a virtual coup with the election of Donald Trump. The Supreme Court is systematically completing the removal of democracy in a move to a new slavery.

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Elections have consequences. An uneducated or a willfully ignorant electorate ultimately harms itself. The confluence of all of this is the current recipe that is baking in America and the consequences are dire. The Supreme Court decision that restricts the labor union’s ability to fund itself effectively is just one cog in a complex and sinister pact to institute a new kind of slavery. Make no mistake, slavery does not require whips and chains. It just needs laws and compliant subjects. And guess what, we are almost there.

From the Newsfeed

New York Times: WASHINGTON — Justice Anthony M. Kennedy announced on Wednesday that he would retire, setting the stage for a furious fight over the future direction of the Supreme Court. Justice Kennedy, 81, has long been the decisive vote in many closely divided cases. His retirement gives President Trump the opportunity to fundamentally change the course of the Supreme Court. Justice Anthony M. Kennedy sent a letter to President Trump announcing his retirement from the Supreme Court. A Trump appointee would very likely create a solid five-member conservative majority that could imperil abortion rights and expand gun rights.


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