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This is how they divide and conquer. We fall for it at our own peril

Call: (646) 716-5812 – Facebook Live: PDRLive Live stream: BlogTalkRadio Radio Show Date: June 19th, 2018

The immigration disaster that we are experiencing right now is no accident. Trump knows the outrage is temporary but the divide and conquer is longer lasting.

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Anyone who believes that Trump and his evil minions do not know what they are doing is sadly mistaken. It is all about the “divide and conquer” scheme. They will take the incoming flak and maybe even flinch at the end. But the real discussion they want to create would already have metastasized, us against them. You see, they have planted a seed that will grow whenever Trump and his minions apply the fertilizer and water through calculated rhetoric.

And now that they have the seed planted, a time bomb, they know unless extricated, many will grow. This is an unending fight with an evil that we will be fighting forever. And we must.

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