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This is why the Left, Right, & Media all pissed at Michelle Wolf’s WHCD roast

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Radio Show Date: April 30th, 2018

Why is the media, the Right, and the Left slamming Michelle Wolf?

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Michelle Wolf gave a hell of a performance at the White House Correspondents’ Dinner. She made a lot of people uncomfortable. The question is why? Wasn’t Seth Meyers just as blunt? Well, we know that women who execute outside of the rails tend to get criticized from both men and women. But Michelle Wolf did more than that. She went after the entire political/media cabal with a touch of how it operates within this form of capitalism. For that, she must be delegitimized.

From the Newsfeed

Slate: Arizona educators and their supporters gathered in the hundreds at the state’s capital and in other cities around the state to demand teacher raises and more school funding in the third day of a statewide teacher walkout. Hundreds of schools have announced they will close, according to the Arizona Republic, and the state legislature is expected to introduce a budget proposal soon to try to satisfy the teachers’ demands. The walkout has carried the momentum of a national movement of teacher demonstrations, which started with a successful West Virginia teacher strike that began in February and spread to Oklahoma, Kentucky, Arizona, and Colorado. On Thursday and Friday, the teachers and their supporters rallied in the thousands in temperatures over 90 degrees at the capitol to demand increased funding. More than 1,000 schools in the state closed for the walkout. According to the Republic, on Thursday more than 50,000 people marched through downtown Phoenix.

Salon: The NRA is banning firearms from a speech to be delivered by Vice President Mike Pence at their annual meeting, sparking outcries of hypocrisy by the Parkland high school students who survived a mass shooting in February. At the source of the outrage is the fact that the Secret Service does not allow firearms to be present for events in which their protectees are going to be present and the center of attention, according to The Washington Post. As a result, and in order to comply with the federal laws regarding Secret Service authority on these issues, the NRA is going to ban firearms from the arena where Pence is speaking while he is present. As the NRA explained, “firearms and firearm accessories, knives or weapons of any kind will be prohibited in the forum prior to and during his attendance.” Agency spokesman Shawn L. Holtzclaw also told the Post that “individuals determined to be carrying firearms will not be allowed past a predetermined outer perimeter checkpoint, regardless of whether they possess a ticket to the event.” While the NRA doesn’t have any control over needing to disarm its own members for Pence’s speech, they could disinvite the vice president on the grounds that requiring their members to not carry firearms flies in the face of their notion that “a good guy with a gun” can always be trusted.

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