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Why Democrats fail at winning – Government shutdown illustrates why

Carolina Ramirez DACA Democrats

Call: (713) 526-5738 – Facebook LIVE – Live stream: KPFT (Entire USA) Radio Show Date: January 25th, 2017

Progressives must force Democrats to fight

You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.

Before I start, I have a special ask of all my listeners. Please like the Facebook Page Politics Done Right here and follow @EgbertoWillies on Twitter here.

Politics Done Right has been on the topic of a lack of spine consistently shown by Democrats. Appeasement and fear haven’t served them well. A refusal to work on a real narrative consistent with their platform hasn’t. Not diligently working to ensure ALL people in its base are at the forefront of legislation when in power hasn’t. DACA, Women, People of Color deserve the same attention the Right gives its appendages when they are in power. Yes, one must legislate for all but different constituencies require specific actions denied them when the government is in the hands of the nationalists.

Today we have a special guest.

Carolina Ramirez is undocumented, unafraid and unapologetic. She is the Education Equity Program Manager at United We Dream Network, the largest immigrant youth-led network in the country that organizes and advocates for the dignity and fair treatment of immigrant youth and families, regardless of immigration status. Carolina is one of the founding members of the UWD Houston chapter along with Oscar Hernandez. UWDH has led civic engagement work and the defeat of the 287G program in Harris County. Currently, the network’s most pressing campaign is for the bipartisan Dream Act which would provide a pathway to citizenship and protection from deportation for immigrant youth and young adults that came into the country as children. Carolina is originally from Coahuila, Mexico has called Texas home for 24 years and is a DACA beneficiary.


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What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. Tag your tweets with hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight. Follow me on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. We broadcast live on Facebook Live here.

Folks do remember this is a call-in show. Call me at (713) 526-5738.

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