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Pacifica Network post James Comey Hearing Analysis

Pacifica Network post James Comey Hearing Analysis

Several personalities from Pacifica Network’s various flagship stations, academia, and political experts appeared live on the entire national network.

Pacifica Network Comey hearing analysis

This video is the commentary from some of the Pacifica Network personalities including KPFA‘s Mitch Jeserich, WPFW‘s Askia Muhammad, KPFT‘s Egberto Willies, Host of Politics Done Right, and others on the James Comey hearing along with many other panelists.

Willies was the contrarian who believed that the hearing was less than expected. In fact, he believes that Progressives are expending too much effort on Donald Trump’s Russia Scandal. He believes that the Left should put much more efforts on bread and butter issues. The Russia fiasco will take care of itself.

Other panelist did not agree. They thought the Russia Scandal is severe enough and warrants the attention it is getting. Mr. Willies said that he does not believe that the American people are that interested in the topic. Another panelist said he had more faith in the American people.


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