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Evangelicals should be shamed for their support of Donald Trump

Call: (646)929-2495 – Live stream: BlogTalkRadio
Radio Show Date: November 5th, 2016

Bill Maher slammed evangelicals for their hypocrisy in voting for Donald Trump

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Many know that many of today’s evangelicals are likely worse than the Pharisees of the biblical days. While I pointed out this verifiable truth for decades as I watched evangelical leaders pilfer their gullible followers, they displayed their evilness overtly with their support of Donald Trump.

It is not about the Supreme Court. It is not about moral values. It is not about any positive values at all. There is no doubt that they made a financial calculation. Win or lose, they have a new resource, the Donald Trump supporters. And you know what, they know they have the ability to control puppets, the gullible, the willfully ignorant, the low information voter.

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