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12 yr old black boy suspended for staring at girl demands a deeper look

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Radio Show Date: October 10th, 2015 – Time: 12:00 AM

Reductio ad absurdum screams racism

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Today I cover the story of a 12 year old black boy, a kid, who got suspended from a Catholic school, Saint Gabriel Consolidated. His mother claims that he did not receive due process. Most importantly she is fighting the school to get the suspension removed from his records. She understands that a mark on his record would inhibit his forward progress.

What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hashtag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter @EgbertoWillies. Give me a call, listen to the live stream, or listen to the podcast/vlogcast. We are also broadcasting live on Periscope at handle EgbertoWillies.

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