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Show Date: August 6th, 2015 – 3:00 PM Central
Let’s keep community radio on air and strong
Today we will discuss the Left attempting to use Bernie Sanders self-defining himself as a Democratic Socialist against him. Now that he has gained traction and he seems to be at the heart of America’s soul, the Plutocracy is getting scared.
Hillary Clinton has been anointed the acceptable Democrat for the Plutocracy. Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, and John Kasich are the acceptable Republicans.
Bernie Sanders is a potential problem. As such absent a grassroots movement, he is sure to be annihilated by the powers. That is how the Plutocracy works.
But before we get into that we have some important business to take care of. This is our summer fund drive. We only have today to raise fund for Politics Done Right on KPFT 90.1 FM. Please call (713)526-5738 and make a contribution to the show. Please make sure to tell them the contribution is for Politics Done Right. Alternatively you can donate directly and securely online here.
What do you think. Let’s talk about it.
Let’s get busy. Give me a call at (713) 526-5738. That is 713-526-KPFT. Remember you can also send me a tweet to @egbertowillies. Let us engage. It is politics done right.
You can also find previous episodes on YouTube here.
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My Blog Posts Of The Week
- President Obama slams Republicans opposing Iran deal of always being wrong (VIDEO)
- DailyKOS: That Time This White Girl Got Pulled Over For Driving While Mexican
- President Obama explains & defends Nuclear Agreement with Iran (VIDEO)
- Breaking: Appeals court tosses Texas voter ID law
- Bernie Sanders explains his ‘scary’ Democratic Socialist policies (VIDEO)
- Elizabeth Warren blasts GOP for attempting to defund necessary women’s healthcare (VIDEO)
- Watch Jeb Bush put his foot in his mouth on ‘women’s health issues’ (VIDEO)
- Fact: Our gun culture makes us unsafe
- Jon Stewart flames Fox News for attacking him using their own news clips (VIDEO)
- Elizabeth Warren proves factually that most Americans are Progressives (VIDEO)
- Undocumented worker calls out the ‘real illegals’ in America at Sheriff Arpaio Rally in Phoenix, AZ (VIDEO)
- An interview with Navajo Nation grandmothers thrown under the bus by Senator John McCain (VIDEO)
- Chuck Todd fails in attempt to ambush DNC Chair on Bernie Sanders & democratic socialism (VIDEO)
- Netroots Nation 2015 in Phoenix Arizona Day 2
My Other Posts At
Coffee Party Radio Shows
- Sundays 8:30 AM ET – I take Liberty with my Coffee w/ Bobby Rodrigo (Subscribe iTunes)
- Thursdays 3:00 PM ET – Lunch with Louden w/ J’nene Louden (Subscribe iTunes)
- Saturdays 1:00 PM ET – Politics Done Right w/ Egberto Willies (Subscribe iTunes)