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Americans are enslaved by the economic system of a dependent wealthy

Listen: 90.1 FM Houston – Call: (713) 526-5738 Live stream: (Entire USA)Podcasts: Show Date: February 2nd, 2015 – 9:00 PM Central

An economic system that enslaves us to the wealthy

We hear a lot about income inequality and wealth disparity. We all know it yet we don’t seem engaged likely because many think making a change is impossible. When we unchain our minds we will. We get it done by learning. We get it done by sharing what we learn. We get it done by usurping a wealthy centric economic system.

The new Republican buzzword to counter middle-class economics proposed by President Obama is envy economics. One can be sure that they tested the phrase. Today we discuss how to unchain ourselves from our enslavement to the wealthy.

What do you think. Let’s talk about it.

Let’s get busy. Give me a call at (713) 526-5738. That is 713-526-KPFT. Remember you can also send me a tweet to @egbertowillies. Let us engage. It is politics done right.

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