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The police killing of David Hooks, a White brother must be covered as well.

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Radio Show Date: December 13th, 2014

The epidemic is on going. Sadly because our news media only covers a narrative that suits there current frame other misdeeds by police go unreported or marginally reported. Bobby Rodrigo, host of Coffee Party Radio Show “I take Liberty with my Coffee” brought this story to me. I almost blew my top. How did I miss it. I told Bobby that I would blog the story. The blog post “The execution of this White brother, David Hooks, by police need coverage too” is getting very good coverage.

Today we are doing a combined show. We will start “Politics Done Right w/Egberto Willies” for the first hour and then merge into “I take Liberty with my Coffee w/Bobby Rodrigo.” Bobby will be doing the show directly from Dublin, Georgia where he will be attending the “Rally For Justice For David Hooks.”

From Bobby Rodrigo

Coffee Party Bobby Rodrigo joins his show “I Take LIBERTY With My Coffee” this afternoon. And we will be interviewing the attorney for the Hooks’ family along with Attorney Catherine Bernard of Spartacus Legal, Director of Georgia Care James Bell, Director of Peachtree NORML Sharon Ravert and Former Senate Candidate Derrick Grayson who all will be attending this rally. A true coalition rally.

What are your thoughts? Let’s  talk. I will also be following our hash-tag #PoliticsDoneRight on Twitter. Give me a call.

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