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Move to Amend Reports w/Laura Bonham & Egberto Willies Interview Ben Cohen on Stamp Stampede

Ben Cohen Stamp Stamped Move to Amend

Our guest is Ben Cohen, known for more than his delicious ice cream, Ben and Jerry’s. He is also President and Head Stamper at the Stamp Stampede campaign whose goal is to help build the movement to amend the constitution to get money out of politics.

Ben Cohen did not disappoint

Ben Cohen is passionate about getting money out of politics. He wants Citizens United repealed in order for Americans to take back their government.

According to

Ben Cohen and childhood friend Jerry Greenfield opened Ben & Jerry’s Homemade Ice Cream Parlor in Burlington, Vermont, in 1978, and over the years the pair turned Ben & Jerry’s into a worldwide phenomenon, selling the company for $325 million in 2000. …

In 2000, Cohen and Greenfield sold Ben & Jerry’s to British-Dutch conglomerate Unilever for $325 million. Like everything else Cohen and his company did, the sale was unique in that it contained provisions to allow Ben & Jerry’s to maintain its existing social mission and brand identity.

A tireless activist, Cohen has put his wealth to use in founding such groups as TrueMajority and Business Leaders for Sensible Priorities, both of which are active in advancing various social and political causes.


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